Webinar: Close Reading with Doug Fisher

Close Reading with Doug Fisher

Sept. 13, 2017 • D. Fisher

Attending to the information presented in the text while recognizing their own assumptions, background knowledge and biases helps readers deeply understand what they are reading. As part of an instructional approach, close reading teaches students these skills as they read a text several times, often for different purposes and based on different questions, and critically examine it. Teachers and students also ask questions regarding the text, some of which can be answered prior to reading it and others that require a deeper understanding based on evidence from the text.

In this edWebinar, Dr. Douglas Fisher will focus on questions that require repeated close readings to be answered. These questions involve general understandings, key details, vocabulary and text structure, author’s purpose, inferences, and opinions and arguments. Attend this session to learn how to:

  • Identify the major components of close reading
  • Describe the differences between close reading in elementary and secondary schools
  • Differentiate between questions that do and do not require evidence from the text

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