Reading Intervention

Effective instruction for Special Education or RtI/MTSS programming incorporates essential literacy skills, strategies, and concepts. Differentiate and target that instruction with Achieve3000. Help struggling readers in grades 2-12 engage with text, develop knowledge and skills, and build the confidence and momentum they need for literacy growth.


Accelerating Literacy Gains for Struggling Readers

Achieve3000 was designed for early screening, identifying skill gaps, targeting instruction, and regular progress monitoring. Help struggling students by using our differentiated content, learning scaffolds, and 5-Step Literacy Routine. With these tools, struggling students can accelerate Lexile gains toward meeting grade-level college and career readiness expectations.


Preparing Every Student for Core Instruction

Help students better prepare for core instruction in subject area classrooms by giving each one access to grade-appropriate nonfiction content through our scaffolded literacy routine. Achieve3000 offers systematic instruction in reading comprehension, writing, vocabulary, fluency, and foundational skills for use in Tier II with small groups, or in Tier III for individual intensive intervention.


Supporting Teachers in Every Implementation Model

Achieve3000 creates opportunities for teaching in any implementation model by providing an actionable reading skills report, specialized courses for fluency, language development, and phonemic awareness, and deep educator supports for the development of skills proficiency across Lexile® levels.


Reading Intervention In Action: