
High School Exceeds Goals for Moving Below-Grade Level Readers to Being on Track for College and Career Readiness

The Challenge

West Broward High School was looking for a solution to help students who are part of the lowest quartile of learners, with scores of level one or two on the Florida State Assessment, improve their scores and demonstrate growth in reading and English language arts. At the start of the 2017 school year, West Broward began a school-wide initiative with the aim to increase learning gains by 3% as compared to the previous year for the lowest quartile students.

The Result

Learning gains for the lowest quartile of students went from 39% in 2017 to 49% in 2018. This group included Exceptional Students Learning Supports and English learners. Schoolwide learning gains improved from 56% in 2017 to 59% in 2018. The points gained for Reading/Language Arts towards the School Grade went from 169 points in 2016-2017 to 183 points in 2017-2018, contributing 14 of the 36-total points gained in the School Grade, helping to earn West Broward High School another A.

"Achieve 3000 allows our teachers to teach the skill, provide the practice, and remediate students, who need additional practice. It also builds student's confidence level."

Elizabeth A. Rivero, NBCT Literacy Coach, Reading Department Chair West Broward High School, FL

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