Testimonials: What People
Say About Achieve3000

We know our solutions work … but don’t take our word for it!

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Educators from around the nation and all over the world have found great success in helping students excel in reading and learning in all subject areas. Their appreciation and validation is our greatest reward.

I love the data that Achieve3000 provides; if we see a red flag, we have so much we can dive into to find out what caused us to see a decrease. We had anticipated initial growth and a plateau, but we’re halfway through our fourth year with Achieve3000 and we’re still seeing the closing of the gap. If we keep using it consistently, we’re going to get them there.

Rachel Porter, Digital Curriculum Integration Specialist, Southwest Park Community Schools, IN

Students engage in collaborative conversations because they all read about the same topics. This can lead to an increase in transferable skills across all texts and content areas. This is exactly what we want—for our students to understand the power of literacy as currency.

Dr. Shelmon Brown, K-12 Literacy and Language Arts Facilitator, Colorado Springs School District 11, CO

If it weren’t for Achieve3000, our teachers would still be scrambling to plan lessons around non-fiction text, our ELA scores wouldn’t be as high, and we wouldn’t be in as good of a place.

Kerridyn Trusheim, Supervisor of Curriculum, Bloomingdale School District, NJ

I have taught for 24 years. Dual Immersion, special ed., grades k-6. Your program has increased the academic achievement of my students more quickly than anything else I have ever used. Thank you for the research, development and availability of Achieve3000. Clearly you are transforming lives.

Mary Mendoza, Dual Immersion 4th Grade Teacher, Chula Vista ESD, CA

Although I have been teaching for 18 years, this is my first year using Achieve 3000. I wanted to let you know how much I enjoy using the program to teach my struggling readers. The content is very engaging, the resources are wonderful and the support I have received from Chloe English has been so very helpful. Keep up the good work!

Becky Leister, Downingtown Area School District

As a new teacher, Achieve3000 allows me a little more time to breathe. The kids seem to love it. Achieve days are our favorite!

Kaitlin Sublette, Waukegan Public Schools

With Achieve3000, we had the ability to pick and choose articles to align with our curriculum. Articles are automatically distributed by the program, giving students enough articles to read throughout the week. However, if we were learning about space, we had the autonomy to drag and drop several articles about space into the student dashboard, infusing this resource into our curriculum. If we were practicing a certain skill, such as main idea and supporting details, we simply chose articles based on the standard. The flexibility was key. The format of the articles was refreshing. It begins with a "thought question", where students are posed with a question about a certain topic. After giving their opinion and explaining their thoughts, students then read the article and answered comprehension questions. At the end, they were again asked to give their opinion. The opportunity to change their mind about a given topic after having received new information on that topic was a feature kids aren't often exposed to. It boosted confidence knowing that there wasn't a right or wrong answer.

Brett Greenhold, 5th Grade Teacher, Freehold, NJ

We had so much fun with the contests, my classes competing against each other, and teachers competing against the other teachers. My students just loved the competitions.

Barbara Randolph, Eighth Grade English Language Arts Teacher

“Some students who have Lexiles of 1100 and some with 800 are in the same class. It’s hard for a teacher to differentiate that many different types of articles for every student in the class. With Achieve3000, the kids with higher Lexile measures are challenged more with critical thinking, while those with lower Lexiles are challenged at their own level.”

Lorra Tanner, Elementary School Teacher, Geary Elementary, WV

Achieve3000 is an avenue that will create lift immediately within your school district. It differentiates instruction. It gives an opportunity to have blended learning implemented within your school district. And, you get a chance to have rich, high-quality, complex text in front of your students every single day.

Addison Davis, Superintendent, Clay County District Schools, FL

Achieve3000 gives us the ability to address equity regardless of the students’ ability level … those advanced students who don’t always get as much of their teachers’ time could be challenged in the same way as some of their classmates who struggle to keep up.

Dr. Tony Robinson, Deputy Superintendent of Secondary Education, Cape Girardeau Public Schools, MO

From the beginning of November to the end of January, we moved over 100 students from being ‘not on track for college/career readiness’ to being ‘on track.’ We didn’t necessarily think that in three months’ usage we would surpass that expectation, but we did.

Earl Metzler, Superintendent, Timberlane Regional School District, NH

We are so very proud of the English language arts growth of our students at Molo Middle School. Our emphasis on literacy as a true fundamental building block of educational success has surely been enhanced by our partnership with the Achieve3000 team. The administrators and staff at Molo have worked extremely hard with the help of the program to ensure future academic success for all of their students.

Karl Bruchhaus, Superintendent, Calcasieu Parish Public Schools, LA

Using Achieve3000 seemed like a natural way to foster and reiterate the importance we already wanted to put on reading.

Principal Rex Crosnoe, Central Middle School, Cape Girardeau Public Schools, MO

With implementation of Achieve3000 over a five-year span, the 7th grade reading levels on AIMS Meets & Exceeds increased from 55% to 80%! We closed the gap in state averages from 12% below to only 2% below. We used the program a few times a week in our reading classes and integrated it with the Social Studies and Science departments on a weekly basis as well. Students and teachers love this program!

Allen Flax, Principal, Poston High School, Mesa, AZ

Achieve3000 is the one program in our digital resource suite our teachers say they absolutely cannot live without :). We appreciate your partnership as we work together to strengthen our students’ reading skills!

Brooke Zehmer, Principal, Landis Elementary School, Rowan-Salisbury

It’s very enjoyable and fun, I would love to do it next year!

ELL Student, Cajon Valley Unified School District, CA

I used to be afraid to read because people would think I was a slow reader and now I'm not afraid to read anymore.

Student, Metropolitan School District of Warren Township, IL

I was terrible at reading. My dad had tried so hard to help me, and it was not working. So, when I first started Achieve3000 it kind of boosted my confidence to actually help myself read better.

4th Grade Student, Forrest Road Elementary, Muscogee County School District, GA